Do you have a “word of the year”? A word you focus on throughout the year to guide your decisions and help move you in the direction you want to go. Last year my word was SURRENDER. Man, I had a lot I surrendered to....Like everything that is. I have a true chatty asshat living in my head. My inner voice is not kind. I can make some serious mountains out of the smallest molehills. Mostly I had to surrender to truth that all is well. I am ok. Things are good. I'm constantly having to tell myself to STFU....and surrender to what is. This year, I stumbled across the sticker above and I thought, "YES!!!" Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventures. I immediately made CURIOUS my new word. On google, the definition is "eager to know or learn something". Just the word eager makes it sound FUN! I googled adventure just to clarify what I was setting myself up for.....adventure: "an unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity." Man, I'm ready! Being homebound for basically 2 years is exhausting. I haven't even been homebound that much. Last year I took a couple trips to see my friend, Amy and we always have epic adventures. Greg and I took a 2 week road trip across our great country to Utah. We slept in a van for two weeks. It was amazing! I want MORE of that and maybe adventures closer to home. Be curious! Have adventures!! I'm giving that a big thumbs up! And see? it's even more incentive to be healthy and physically fit! It goes right along with my plan! I don't want to hobble through my adventures! You can't 'suck the marrow from life' from your couch. Just typing all this out, I feel motivated and hopeful! I think I will eat a salad and touch my toes!! Here's to a great day, Friends!!
Do you have a word of the year?? If so, please, share!!
peace and love to you!
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