Good Lord!! what about that Chief's game last night! If that doesn't make you believe in ALL THINGS POSSIBLE, I don't know what will! And what about that Kicker?? 2 miserable failed attempts BUT did he give up and throw in the towel?? NO!! and his team didn't give up on him either and what did he do?? He came through in the clutch! There is a life lesson in there for all of us!
This weeks health focus is FIBER!! I revisited the Institute of Integrated Nutrition last year and took a 12 week course on gut health. The biggest takeaway?? We are all lacking fiber in our diet. Fiber is essential for good health. It keeps our bowels moving! Nobody wants to be constipated!! Fiber lowers cholesterol. Fiber has also been said to help you lose weight. Fiber not only helps you feel full faster and keeps you feeling satisfied longer, it helps to push those extra calories through your gut and out your body. I thought the daily recommended allowance was 30 grams but I looked again and for women over 50. it's recommended that we get 21 grams. So I am aiming for intentionally eating 21 grams this week and anything over is bonus! I googled excellent sources. Vegetables....beans....lentils.....surprisingly Avocados are packed with fiber. I love them. Each day, I am going to eat one. ! cup of Avocado has 10 grams of fiber! that's almost half the recommended daily allowance!! Add in high fiber bread (I aim for any bread with 4 grams of fiber per slice)!!
Avocado toast for breakfast equals 18 grams of fiber for the win! All I have to do is get 3 more grams which is doable with a searing of broccoli or a handful of almonds.
Another easy source of fiber is cereal. Fiber One is packed with fiber! 18 grams per 3/4 cup....I believe. I think today I will make some muffins out of it so when I'm craving cake, I'll eat that. The drawback to getting adequate fiber is excessive farting but I think it's worth it. At least my gut doesn't feel dead. So now.....daily....I am stretching, drinking water and eating fiber. I have also added in a 5 minute arm strengthening video every day. Have you done a backbend lately?? They require arm strength. I'd like to say these simple changes have made a big difference but they have least not yet. I just have to keep telling myself that I didn't get here over night and there is no easy fix! I'll let you know when I have a breakthrough and am feeling 100 percent! Anyone have any guesses was to how long that will take? Any suggestions as to how to get there faster? I bet a 80 degree, sunny day would help a lot!!
Today I am thankful for all the massage appointments I have going this week! I'm just over here feeling FULL...of hopes and dreams!!
peace and love to YOU!!
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